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Williams Elementary School

Home of the Wranglers

Students & Parents

Registration Information

2025-2026 PreK and Kinder Registration Enrollment Procedures

Visit this link for Lamar CISD's registration information. For any questions, please call Williams front office at 832-223-2700 or email the Williams secretary

Transportation Changes

To ensure student safety, all transportation changes must be submitted by phone to the front office before 2:00 p.m. on regular school days. Email and voicemail requests will not be accepted.

On Early Release Days, transportation changes must be submitted by phone before 10:00 a.m. Email and voicemail requests will not be accepted.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!

Student I.D. Tags

Students are required to wear their I.D. tags at all times while on campus. If a replacement is needed, items can be purchased at the school for the following fees:

  • Student I.D. Tag – $5.00
  • Lanyard – $3.00
  • Badge Protector – $2.00

Please visit the front office to purchase replacement items or pay online at School Cash Online Store.

Student Dress Code

Students at Williams Elementary are required to wear uniforms. 

Bottoms: Khaki, black, dark blue pants, or blue denim jeans, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers.

Shirts: Red, navy blue, white, or black collared polo shirts. School spirit shirts can be worn any day of the week.

Students can purchase a free dress pass for Mondays each semester. To buy the pass, visit the School Cash Online Store.